391 This message is being viewed with an early version of Microsoft's HTML viewer. Eudora will need to switch to an internal viewer in order to continue. Do you wish to continue?
446 StartToEnd
447 StartToStart
448 EndToStart
449 EndToEnd
450 none
451 text
452 Span
455 Normal
457 CITE
458 Unable to create temporary file.
459 Not enough memory.
460 Internet Explore Version 3.01 or greater must be installed.
461 Invalid OLE object
462 Invalid object
586 DirectoryServices
587 LeftPaneX
588 RightPaneX
589 PanesY
590 KeepOnTop
591 QueryString
592 Registered
600 &Send Styles
601 &Remove Styles
800 Highest
801 High
802 Normal
803 Low
804 Lowest
810 To:
811 From:
812 Subject:
813 Cc:
814 Reply-To:
815 ½Any Header╗
816 ½Body╗
817 ½Any Recipient╗
818 ½Personality╗
830 contains
831 doesn't contain
832 is
833 is not
834 starts with
835 ends with
836 appears
837 doesn't appear
838 intersects nickname
850 ignore
851 and
852 or
853 unless
1000 Check &Mail Ctrl+M
1001 Insert &Recipient
1002 &Fcc
1003 Fcc: Mailbox or Folder '%s' not Found!
1004 Embedded Content:
1005 &Message Plug-ins
1006 C&heck Mail
1009 Too little disk space - only retrieving top of this message.
1010 Out of disk space - Skipping this message.
1020 Toolbar
1021 In
1022 Out
1023 Trash
1025 Transfer
1031 Reply to &All
1032 S&end Immediately Ctrl+E
1033 Qu&eue For Delivery Ctrl+E
1034 Ctrl+R
1060 &In Ctrl+1
1061 &Out Ctrl+0
1062 &Trash
1072 &New...
1083 &Reply
1098 &Add
1099 &Modify
1100 Eudora Pro
1101 Progress
1102 Untitled
1103 Save changes to %1?
1104 Close
1134 Priority of message\nPriority
1141 Press button to keep property panel open after losing focus
1299 This version of Eudora Pro only supports Netcom mail servers. The specified server\n\n %s\n\nis not a valid Netcom server.
1300 There has been an error transferring your mail. I said:\n\n %s\n\nand then the %s server (%s) said:\n\n %s
1301 Error sending command to POP server (%s).
1302 Error getting POP server response.
1303 <shhhh! Don't tell anyone.>
1304 Logging into POP server
1305 Error getting line from pop server during intro.
1306 POP server (%s) command error:\n\n %s
1307 Checking Mail
1308 Problems were encountered while decoding attachment.
1309 \n\nWARNING: The remainder of this message has not been transferred.
1310 No POP Account entered. Please choose the Options item from the Special menu, and set the POP Account.
1311 I can't tell where the machine name is in this POP Account\n\n %s
1312 Ignoring previously read messages...
1313 Messages left to download:
1314 Shutting down POP connection
1315 You have new mail.
1316 Sorry, you don't have any new mail.
1317 pop3
1318 Status:
1319 PASS
1320 QUIT
1321 USER
1322 STAT
1323 TOP
1324 LIST
1325 RETR
1326 LAST
1327 DELE
1329 Getting a Kerberos Ticket...
1330 Shutting down the Kerberos connection.
1331 mypop
1332 Find
1333 UIDL
1335 SetUserName
1336 GetTicketForService
1337 Received:
1338 Message-Id:
1339 Getting ticket for service : %s
1340 Collecting mail information (NON-UIDL)
1341 Collecting mail information (UIDL)
1342 Connecting to the Mail Server...
1343 PassWord
1345 APOP
1346 lmos.dat
1348 #POPEND
1349 Finding
1350 Logging into POP Server
1351 Preparing to transfer
1352 Looking for mail
1353 Cleaning up
1354 Looking for mail : Requesting UIDL
1355 Looking for mail: Collecting Header Information.
1356 Checking for messages to remove from the server
1357 The Kerberos subsystem reported error #%d
1358 lmos.tmp
1359 The estimated size of this message is %lu bytes.
1360 Click on the server retrieve icon above and check mail again to get the whole thing. If the server retrieve icon is not showing, then this message is no longer on the server.
1361 Could not find the timestamp in the banner in order to perform APOP authentication.
1362 %d new message
1363 %d new messages
1364 KCLNT32.DLL
1365 SendTicketForService
1380 KERB16.EXE
1382 KERB16
1383 Kerb16WClass
1384 Could not launch Kerb16.exe. File is invalid.
1385 Could not launch Kerb16.exe. File could not be found.
1400 Could not open the attachment file '%s'.
1401 (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)\n:
1402 ttxt
1403 ????
1404 Converting Attachment "%s"...
1405 Could not attach "%s" because of a file error.
1406 Sending TEXT document "%s"...
1407 Error while reading "%s".
1408 This message contains an attachment...
1409 Problems finding end of attachment. Attachment may be incomplete.
1410 Attachment Converted:
1411 TEXT
1412 CRC error encountered while decoding attachment.
1413 Directory %s does not exist or can't be written to.
1414 Save Attachment
1415 Decoding "%s"...
1416 Attach File
1417 Attach
1418 Premature end of BinHex attachment
1419 Illegal BinHex character found: '%c'
1420 mdos
1421 BINA
1423 rr.msg
1424 The message you sent on %s regarding "%s" has been displayed by %s.
1498 The personality name you entered is too long. Please enter a name shorter than %d characters.
1499 The personality "%s" already exists. Please choose a different name.
1500 Your network is not ready. You will not be able to connect to the network at this time.
1501 Required network WINSOCK.DLL not found or inappropriate. You will not be able to connect to the network at this time.
1502 Version 1.1 of Winsock is not supported by your network package. You will be unable to perform network operations.
1503 Error getting service name "%s", code 0x%04x
1504 timeout
1505 unspecified
1506 Error in host name. Missing ']'.
1507 Resolving address for "%s"
1508 Error getting network address for "%s"
1509 Contacting %s (%s)
1510 Error getting a network socket
1511 Could not connect to "%s"
1512 Closing connection
1513 TimeZone entry in the EUDORA.INI file or %s environment variable used to compute your timezone has the wrong format.
1514 %s\n\nCause: %s (%d)
1515 Error reading from network
1516 Error writing to network
1517 Connection Method set to Offline. Go to the Options dialog under the Special menu to change the Connection Method.
1518 Establishing Network Connection...
1519 TZ
1520 %s\n\nCause: %s (%d)
1521 Error getting name for address "%s"
1522 The selected text is too large or contains multiple lines. Please select a shorter, single-line recipient string.
1523 Sorry, Eudora could not activate the item. Try clicking on the item with the right mouse button to display the context menu.
1524 "Eudora is being automated by one or more applications. Do you want to disconnect them?"
1534 Unlimited 90 Day Technical Support and More!\nRegister Today.
1535 $20 Rebate, Unlimited 90 Day Technical Support and More!\nRegister Today.
1536 *Unlimited 90 day technical support so you can get your questions answered in a timely manner by a Eudora technical professional.
1537 *Eudora News! Eudora's quarterly newsletter that includes special offers, product discounts and enhancements so you can save time and money.
1538 *Preferred Eudora User Rebate: You qualify for the $20 rebate available for owners of any Eudora Pro product. You must register in order to get this rebate.
1539 Upgrade Validation Number
1600 smtp
1601 RSET
1602 HELO
1604 RCPT TO:
1605 DATA
1606 QUIT
1607 Error sending command to SMTP server.
1608 Error getting response from SMTP server.
1609 Error talking to SMTP server [%-0.50s]
1610 Could not get your machine's hostname from the WinSock DLL.
1611 Address <%-0.100s> too long.
1612 End of comment error in address near [%-0.20s]
1613 The recipient "%s" is not acceptable to your SMTP server. The message is not sendable until the recipient has been changed.
1627 Could not uninstall Eudora MAPI system because %s Do you want to quit anyway?
1628 Cannot contact the AcapServer, please contact your server administrator\n\n%s
1629 Cannot configure client, please contact your server administrator\n\n%s
1630 Startup error.
1631 Error getting host information.
1632 Socket creation error.
1633 Login failed. \nPlease make sure the UserName and Password are correct and try again.
1634 SendFormat
1635 POPAuthenticate
1636 FirstUnread
1650 To:
1651 From:
1652 Subject:
1653 Cc:
1654 Bcc:
1655 X-Attachments:
1656 In-Reply-To:
1657 References:
1658 X-Stationery:
1659 X-EmbeddedContent:
1673 X-Persona:
1674 Precedence:
1675 To:
1676 From:
1677 Subject:
1678 Cc:
1679 Bcc:
1680 Attachments:
1706 Some attachment(s) could not be found and were not attached.
1707 A message must have a recipient (To: or Bcc: field) before it can be queued. Make sure that you aren't specifying an address book entry that has an empty Address(es) field.
1708 From ???@??? %0.3s %0.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %4d
1709 Send
1710 Queue
1711 From ???@??? %a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y
1712 There's not enough memory to add that text.
1750 http:ftp:mailto:https:news:nntp:telnet:file:
1760 WazooBars
1761 WazooBarIds
1762 WazooBar%d
1763 WazooMDI%d
1764 &Tab Location
1805 X-Priority: %d (%s)
1806 X-Priority:
1810 MS Sans Serif
1811 8
1850 MoreHelp.hlp
1851 majordomo@qualcomm.com
1852 subscribe %1
1853 unsubscribe %1
1854 To perform the action you just requested, an outgoing message has been placed in your Out mailbox. It will be sent the next time that queued messages are sent. You can send it now by selecting "Send Queued Messages" from the File menu.
1855 Automated information request
1860 quest-news
1861 QUEST News
1862 The QUEST News mailing list provides you with occasional information about Eudora or any of our other enterprise solutions.
1863 windows-eudora-forum
1864 Eudora Forum
1865 The Windows Eudora Forum is an unmoderated mailing list used to promote discussion between users of Eudora. This is often a good place to ask questions about Eudora, or learn how other people are using Eudora.
1900 Could not write to file %1
1901 Could not read from file %1
1902 Could not open the file %s for %s
1903 writing
1904 reading
1905 Could not delete file %s.
1906 Could not rename file from %s to %s.
1907 The directory specified in the %s:\n\n %s\n\ndoesn't exist or is not writable.
1908 TMP
1909 TEMP
1910 command line
1912 EUDORA environment variable
1913 Could not delete folder:\n\n %s\n\nThe folder pathname is invalid, or the folder is not empty.
1914 Please enter a valid URL
1950 Cannot start Eudora the first time with attachments. \n\nPlease start Eudora by double clicking the Eudora icon or by the command line.
2001 "%s" not found.
2002 No more instances of "%s" found.
2100 &Delete
2101 De&lete all
2102 &Change
2103 C&hange all
2104 Error saving word in Ignore lexicon
2105 Error saving word in Change lexicon
2106 Suggesting for:
2107 Unknown:
2108 Consider changing:
2109 Capitalization:
2110 Mixed case:
2111 Doubled word:
2112 Edit Change-type Lexicon
2113 Edit User Dictionary
2114 Edit Suggest-type Lexicon
2115 Please enter "word:replacement" for this lexicon type.
2116 Lexicon is full.
2117 Error adding word.
2118 Are you sure you want to remove all words from this lexicon?
2119 No misspellings found
2120 Error: %s
2130 SPELL16.DLL
2131 SPELL32.DLL
2132 SSCE_AddToLex
2133 SSCE_CheckBlock
2134 SSCE_CheckWord
2135 SSCE_ClearLex
2136 SSCE_CloseBlock
2137 SSCE_CloseLex
2138 SSCE_CloseSession
2139 SSCE_CreateLex
2140 SSCE_DelBlockWord
2141 SSCE_DelFromLex
2142 SSCE_GetBlock
2143 SSCE_GetBlockInfo
2144 SSCE_GetBlockWord
2145 SSCE_GetLex
2146 SSCE_GetLexInfo
2147 SSCE_GetOption
2148 SSCE_NextBlockWord
2149 SSCE_OpenBlock
2150 SSCE_OpenLex
2151 SSCE_OpenSession
2152 SSCE_ReplaceBlockWord
2153 SSCE_SetOption
2154 SSCE_Suggest
2155 SSCE_Version
2170 Unknown cause
2171 Too many spelling sessions open
2172 Bad spelling session id
2173 Word not found
2174 Spelling dictionary not found
2175 Too many dictionaries open
2176 Unknown dictionary type
2177 Bad dictionary id
2178 Buffer too small
2179 Read only dictionary problem
2180 Two words required for spell checking
2181 One word required for spell checking
2182 Out of memory
2183 Unsupported action
2184 Lexicon exists error
2185 Too many spell checking blocks
2186 Bad block id
2187 Can not load %s.
2188 I&gnore All
2189 A&dd
2200 Printed for %s
2201 Messages left to print:
2310 I know you had to send this message yesterday, but I just can't do it until my time machine gets back from the shop.
2311 You must enter a positive value in this field when you have Delete from server checked.
2401 Top Level
2402 Mailbox names cannot contain the characters "&&" or ",".
2403 Creating a mailbox in the Top Level
2404 "%c" is the mailbox hierarchy separator for this IMAP account and is not allowed in a mailbox name. Enter a name that does not contain this character.
2405 Could not rename mailbox "%s" to "%s". The server replied with:\n\n"%s"
2406 An error occurred while attempting to retrieve this message from your IMAP server.
2500 Error in connecting to the password server
2501 Password entered does not match the current POP password
2502 Change Password
2503 Enter Password
2504 Sorry, I couldn't change your password\n\n%s
2505 Error sending command to password server.
2506 Error getting password server response.
2507 epass
2508 Please enter the current password for
2509 Please enter the new password for
2510 Please verify the new password for
2511 Sorry, you did not re-enter your new password correctly.
2512 user
2513 pass
2514 newpass
2515 quit
2516 Your password has been changed.
2601 Error reading nickname. Nickname database was reconstructed. Any changes made will be lost.
2602 NNdbase.txt
2603 NNdbase.toc
2604 NNdbase.tmp
2605 No nickname selected to modify.
2606 A nickname by this name already exists.\nPlease select another one.
2609 Error reading nickname file when resolving '%s'. Nickname database reconstruction attempted. Please send the message again.
2610 Circular reference in "%s"\n\nAn alias with a circular reference was encountered in this message. Please fix the alias and try again.
2611 Nicknames cannot contain leading or trailing spaces or a comma.
2612 alias
2613 note
2614 New Nickname
2615 Rename Nickname
2616 Make Address Book Entry
2617 me
2618 Nickname
2619 .txt
2620 .toc
2621 Eudora Nicknames
2622 You cannot remove the Eudora Nicknames file.
2623 You cannot remove the read-only nicknames file: '%s'
2624 Permanently delete the nicknames file '%s'? This is not undoable.
2625 name
2626 address
2627 phone
2628 fax
2629 Cannot move nicknames: One or more of the selected nicknames already exist in the destination nickname file.
2630 Copy of
2631 Cannot move nicknames: One or more of the selected nicknames is contained in a read-only nickname file.
2632 Cannot move or copy nicknames to a read-only nickname file.
2633 Permanently delete the Personality '%s'? This is not undoable and any messages received using this personality will revert back to the Dominant personality.
2634 Permanently delete the Signature '%s'? This is not undoable.
2635 Eudora no longer supports network connections through shell accounts. You will not be able to\naccess the network until you reconfigure Eudora to use WinSock (TCP/IP).\n\nDo you wish to enable WinSock access now?
2636 You have changed your incoming server from IMAP to POP. Do you wish to continue?
2637 Permanently delete the Stationery '%s'? This is not undoable.
2638 Eudora could not find any usable addresses in the selected messages, nicknames, or directory entries,\nexcept maybe your own address. Create an empty nickname anyway?
2700 The POP Account should be a user name, followed by an '@', followed by a host name. For example:\n 'jeff@pophost.qualcomm.com'
2702 The Mail Server and LoginName fields should be filled, before proceeding.
2800 No Sender
2801 No Recipient
2802 No Subject
2803 %-0.19s%s%-0.17s, %-0.30s
2804 %3s %d %d:%d:%d %d
2805 %d %3s %d %d:%d:%d
2806 %d-%3s-%d %d:%d:%d.%d
2807 %02d:%02d %s %d/%d/%d%s
2808 Date:
2809 Status:
2810 %d of the %d summaries in the old table of contents used; %d new summaries were created.
2811 %d&/%ldK/%ldK
2812 Re:\nFwd:
2813 Could not get mapping for mailbox %s.
2814 The mailbox file %s does not exist.
2815 intl
2816 iDate
2817 iTime
2818 sTime
2819 s1159
2820 s2359
2821 sShortDate
2822 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat
2823 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec
2824 Re:
2825 Fwd:
2826 You haven't read all those messages. Trash them anyway?
2827 Some of those messages are queued to be sent. Trash them anyway?\n(They won't ever be sent)
2828 Some of those messages have not been sent. Trash them anyway?\n(They won't ever be sent)
2829 This message doesn't have a subject. Queue it anyway?
2830 This message uses styled text. Some users of older e-mail clients may have trouble viewing this message. Do you want to send the styles or remove them?
2831 This message is rather large (around %ld K in size). Queue it anyway?
2832 The Trash mailbox contains %d message(s). Do you want to empty it?
2833 Eudora is about to display a menu for the new toolbar button. Please select the menu item that you wish to associate with your new toolbar button.
2834 Eudora is not currently the default mail program. Would you like it to be the default mail program?
2835 Eudora is not currently the default mail program. Would you like it to be the default mail program?
2836 Spell check was incomplete. Do you want to queue the message anyway?
2837 The message - %s - is currently open for editing.\n\nWould you like to send this message now?
4522 You have entered an invalid Registration #. Your Registration # is provided on the inside cover of your User Manual and on your License Agreement card.
4523 For electronic (soft copy) purchases, it is provided in the order confirmation e-mail message that contains your software key.
4524 Light
4525 Demo
4526 Pro
4527 eudora-register-demo@eudora.com
4528 Register today to be eligible for this month's Eudora Pro Demo user drawing. For prize details, see the Eudora Pro Demo download page at www.eudora.com.
4529 \nAll registration information will be kept in strict confidence. This 30-Day Demo does not include technical support.
4532 Register now to receive our free electronic newsletter which covers the latest news and information about the Eudora Division of QUALCOMM, our products, e-mail, messaging, and other interesting
4533 new applications and exciting services which can be delivered directly to your electronic mailbox.\n\nAll registration information will be kept in strict confidence.
4534 EudoraSignatureClipboardFormat
4540 Attac&h File Ctrl+H
4541 Attac&h File to New Message Ctrl+H
4542 Attac&h
4543 Attac&h to New Message
4600 Plugins
4601 Run Plugin:
4610 X-TransWinRQD: <%s>
4611 X-TransWinRQD:
4612 X-Eudora-Signature: <%s>
4613 X-Eudora-Signature:
4614 X-Persona:
4615 X-Persona: <%s>
4616 Precedence:
4617 Precedence: %s
4628 AUTH
4629 RPA
4630 security.dll
4631 secur32.dll
4632 Error in Remote PassPhrase Authentication (RPA):\n\n%s
4648 Processing %s ...
4649 Plugin Error: %s\n\n%s
4650 Plugin Error: %s\n\n%s {%d}
4651 Failed for unspecified reason.
4652 Cannot run plugin on this message.
4653 The plugin ID given is invalid.
4654 The value requested doesn't exist.
4655 Couldn't find input file.
4656 Couldn't create output file.
4657 Translation failed.
4658 Invalid aregument(s) given.
4659 Calling function %s.
4660 Loading %s.
4661 Checking path %s.
4662 DLL with ID %d already loaded.
4663 Freeing %s.
4664 Don't show this again
4665 Note
4666 Can't queue message, the selected plugin unable to operate on this message.
4667 Plugin Error: %s %d
4668 Plugin Error: %s is undefined.
4669 %s:\n\nNo settings available.
4670 Eudora %s only supports version %d of the EMS-API.\n\nPlugin %s version %d cannot be loaded.
4671 Plugin no longer available.
4672 Cannot find file "%s" .
4673 Translator Missing
4676 Do you want to save this stationery?
4677 File is not a valid image file
4678 Unable to open image file
4679 Image file contains no data
4680 Mailbox "%s" is READ-ONLY. You cannot modify the status of messages in it.
4681 An error occurred while attempting to modify the status of messages in the mailbox "%s" on the IMAP server. The server responded with:\n\n"%s".
4682 Resynchronizing mailbox "%s"...
4683 Checking for new messages in mailbox "%s"...
4684 Removing deleted messages from remote mailbox "%s"...
4685 Filtering messages to other remote mailboxes...
4686 Renaming remote mailbox "%s" to "%s"...
4687 Creating mailbox "%s"...
4688 Deleting mailbox "%s"...
4689 Copying
4690 Transfering
4691 %s messages to mailbox "%s" on IMAP server "%s"...
4692 %s messages from remote mailbox "%s" to local mailbox "%s"...
4693 Copying messages....
4694 Transfering messages....
4695 The mailbox name you have specified is invalid: "%s"
4696 Deleting messages...
4697 Un-Deleting messages...
4698 Filtering messages...
4699 Querying server for matches...
4700 Downloading attachment...
8004 connection cancelled
8009 file or device is read only or file no longer open
8013 permission denied
8014 invalid argument
8022 socket not bound to address
8024 out of file descriptors
8025 Shows Eudora's Product Purchasing Web Site
8036 blocking WinSock call in progress
8037 operation already in progress
8038 socket operation on non-socket
8039 destination address is required
8040 data too large for buffer
8041 protocol wrong type for socket
8042 bad protocol option
8043 protocol not supported
8044 socket type not supported
8045 operation not supported on socket
8046 protocol family not supported
8047 address family not supported by protocol family
8048 address already in use
8049 can't assign requested address
8050 network is down
8051 network is unreachable
8052 network dropped connection or reset
8053 connection aborted due to timeout or other failure
8054 connection reset by remote side
8055 no buffer space available
8056 socket is already connected
8057 socket is not connected
8058 socket was shut down
8059 too many references, can't splice
8060 connection timed out
8061 connection refused
8062 too many levels of symbolic links
8063 file name too long
8064 host is down
8065 host is unreachable
8066 directory not empty
8067 too many processes
8068 too many users
8069 disk quota exceeded
8070 stale NFS file handle
8071 too many levels of remote in path
8091 network subsystem is unavailable
8092 WINSOCK.DLL version out of range
8093 WinSock implementation has not started up yet
8100 Eudora got tired of waiting for the server.
8200 Couldn't load or initialize the Winsock DLL. Has your network started up yet?
8201 Couldn't load or initialize the WSHelper DLL.
8202 Eudora cannot locate your WINSOCK.DLL file. Please search your hard drive and COPY the WINSOCK.DLL file in to your Windows directory or add the path to the WINSOCK.DLL file to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
8203 Path was not found
8204 Couldn't load or initialize the RASAPI32.DLL.
8205 Attempt was made to dynamically link to a task, or there was a sharing or network-protection error
8206 Library required separate data segments for each task
8207 Couldn't load or initialize the Security DLL.
8208 There was insufficient memory to start the application
8210 Windows version was incorrect
8211 Executable file was invalid. Either it was not a Windows application or there was an error in the .EXE image
8212 Application was designed for a different operating system
8213 Application was designed for MS-DOS 4.0
8214 Type of executable file was unknown
8215 Attempt was made to load a real-mode application (developed for an earlier version of Windows)
8216 Attempt was made to load a second instance of an executable file containing multiple data segments that were not marked read-only
8219 Attempt was made to load a compressed executable file. The file must be decompressed before it can be loaded
8220 Dynamic-link library (DLL) file was invalid. One of the DLLs required to run this application was corrupted
8221 Application requires Microsoft Windows 32-bit extensions
8233 Unknown Load library error 0x%x
8394 Connected to %s
8395 #32770
8396 Error starting up Dial-Up Networking (%ld). Check the name of the phonebook entry in the Advanced Network category of the Options dialog.
8397 There is more than one Dial-Up Networking phonebook entry. Please specify the one you wish to use in the Advanced Network category of the Options dialog.
8398 Error starting up the dial-up networking connection:\n\n %s
8399 Starting up connection
8400 Open port
8401 Port opened
8402 Dialing...
8403 Device connected
8404 All connected
8405 Verifying user name and password...
8406 Authenticate notify
8407 Authenticate retry
8408 Authenticate callback
8409 Authenticate change password
8410 Authenticate project
8411 Authenticate link speed
8412 Authenticate acknowledge
8413 Re-authenticate
8414 Authenticated
8415 Prepare for callback
8416 Wait for modem reset
8417 Wait for callback
8418 Projected
8419 Start authentication
8420 Callback completed
8421 Logging on to network...
8422 Paused
8423 Retry authentication
8424 Callback set by caller
8425 Password expired
8426 Connected
8427 Disconnected
8500 EZERO
8501 EPERM
8502 No such file or directory exists.
8503 ESRCH
8504 EINTR
8505 EIO
8506 ENXIO
8507 Argument list is too large.
8508 Executable file format error.
8509 File or device is read only or file no longer open
8510 No child processes.
8511 No more process slots left.
8512 Not enough memory.
8513 Access permission denied. File may be marked as read only or locked
8516 EBUSY
8517 File already exists.
8518 An attempt was made to move a file to a different device.
8522 The request contains an invalid argument.
8524 There are too many open files.
8527 EFBIG
8528 Disk full.
8530 EROFS
8532 EPIPE
8533 Math argument.
8534 Result is too large.
8536 A resource deadlock would occur.
8537 Unknown
8573 An uspecified error occured.
8600 Please specify a mailbox/folder name no longer than 31 characters.
8601 Please specify a nickname name no longer than 32 characters.
8602 Please select a mailbox for this toolbar button.
8603 Please select a transfer destination for this toolbar button
8604 Open
8605 Transfer to
8606 New Message to
8607 Reply to
8608 Forward to
8609 Redirect to
8610 Insert Recipient
8611 Reply With
8613 New Message With
8614 Change Personality to
9001 host not found
9002 non-authoritative host not found
9003 non recoverable error
9004 requested entry not found
9050 WSHelper Library Unitialized
9051 Unknown Hesiod error 0x%x
9052 Hesiod name not found on server
9053 local problem (configuration file error?)
9054 Network problem, could not connect to Hesiod server
9055 Hesiod server could not return the requested information
10990 You must select a shortcut before clicking Remove.
10991 You must select a macro before clicking Create.
10992 Reset All will set all shortcuts back to their defaults. Any shortcuts you have created will be forgotten. Are you sure you want to do this?
10993 (Unassigned)
10994 That key combination is reserved and may not be reassigned.
10995 &Other...
10996 New (Insert)
10997 Delete (Delete)
10998 Move Up (Alt+Up Arrow)
10999 Move Down (Alt+Down Arrow)
11000 Press the Ctrl key to prevent docking.
11001 &Reset
11002 &Delete
11003 Customize
11043 Enter
11044 Error
20609 &Empty Trash
20613 Personalities
20614 <No Default>
20615 <Dominant>
20616 Illegal Nickname filename character: '%c'
20617 Nickname filename too long. Please specify 8 or fewer characters.
20618 Nickname file '%s' already exists in your nicknames folder. Please choose a different name.
20619 Name
20620 Type
20621 Size
20622 Modified
20623 Persona
20624 Account
22000 You must enter a name before proceeding
22001 You must enter your login name before proceeding
22002 You must enter your return address before proceeding
22003 You must enter a name for this personality before proceeding
22004 You must specify an incoming server for this personality before proceeding
22005 You must specify an outgoing server for this personality before proceeding
26085 Applies a new font to the text selection\nFont\n
26576 Transfers to mailbox\nClick and drag here to transfer to a mailbox
26577 Click and drag here to transfer to a mailbox
26578 IMAP
26579 INBOX
26580 Inbox
26581 Imap.log
26582 143
26584 accounts.lst
26586 NAME
26588 LOGIN
26589 PREFIX
26590 PORT
26591 Directory
26593 Imap
26594 mboxlist.lst
26595 tmp_mboxlist.lst
26596 Attach
26597 .inf
26598 .act
26599 .opt
26600 X-UID:
26601 Trash
26602 X-IMFLAGS:
26603 .tbx
26604 Append
26605 \Seen
26606 \Deleted
26607 \Flagged
26608 \Answered
26609 \Draft
26610 Content-
26611 DownloadFullHeader
26612 MaxInlineSize
26613 TextTypesToDownload
26614 Plain
26615 ImageTypesToDownload
26617 AudioTypesToDownload
26619 VideoTypesToDownload
26621 ApplicationTypesToDownload
26623 MaxPartSizeToDownload
26624 Opening mailbox "%s"...
26625 Imap server error: %s
26626 Could not create the file: "%s".
26627 Append failed: cannot locate all components of the message.
26628 Could not delete mailbox "%s" from the server. The server replied with:\n\n"%s"
26629 Could not delete the IMAP account "%s".
26630 You must specify a name for this account.
26631 You must specify a server name or IP address.
26632 You already have an account with the name %s. \n\nChoose a unique name for this account.
26633 Connecting to IMAP server: "%s"
26634 Mailbox "%s" is read-only
26635 The IMAP command has failed.\n\nReason: %s.
26636 The IMAP command has failed.\n\nThe server replied with: "%s".
26637 The IMAP command has failed.
26638 Invalid IMAP mailbox name: "%s".
26639 The messages cannot be REMOVED from mailbox "%s" because it is a "READ-ONLY" mailbox.\n\nDo you want to COPY the messages instead?
26640 Eudora is unable to delete the messages from the IMAP mailbox "%s". The server responded with: "%s". Continuing this operation will COPY the messages to the destination mailbox.\n\nDo you want to continue the operation?
26641 No messages were transferred!
26642 Some messages failed to transfer correctly!
26643 Mailbox "%s" is READ-ONLY. You cannot add messages to it.
26644 Attempt to add the message to mailbox "%s" failed. The server replied with: \n\n"%s".
26645 Eudora is unable to delete the messages from the IMAP mailbox "%s". The server responded with:\n\n"%s"
26646 Transfering message(s) to "%s"...
26647 Messages left to transfer:
26648 This Mailbox
26649 The directory "%s" could not be created. You will not be able to create IMAP accounts.
26650 An error occurred while trying to create an IMAP account for the personality "%s".
26651 You have made modifications to the personality "%s" that may affect its mailbox list.\nDo you want to refresh the list?
26652 RFD QS-T
26653 Browse...
26654 Signature
26656 This beta version of Eudora Pro is due to expire in %d days.\nOnce it expires you will no longer be able to send, receive, or filter mail using this beta.\nDownload the latest beta from our web site at www.eudora.com.
26657 Sorry, this beta version of Eudora has expired.\nYou will no longer be able to send, receive, or filter mail using this beta.\nDownload the latest beta from our web site at www.eudora.com.
26658 Version 4.0.1 Demo
26660 This 30-day demo version of Eudora Pro 4.0 is due to expire in %d days.\n\nWhen this demo expires, you will no longer be able to send, receive, or filter mail. You can purchase Eudora Pro 4.0 via www.eudora.com, by calling 1-800-2-EUDORA, or through local computer retailers.
26661 This 30-day demo version of Eudora Pro 4.0 has expired.\n\nYou will no longer be able to send, receive, or filter mail using this demo. You can purchase Eudora Pro 4.0 via www.eudora.com, by calling 1-800-2-EUDORA, or through local computer retailers.
26662 http://www.qualcomm.com/eudora/buying
26663 http://www.qualcomm.com/eudora
26664 http://www.qualcomm.com/eudora/buying
26665 Buy Now
26670 Sorry, Eudora can't detect any common elements to make a filter with. Try adjusting your selection, or use the filters window.
26671 Auto
26673 Re&do Drag and Drop
26674 Re&do Format Change
26675 Re&do
26676 &Undo Typing Ctrl+Z
26677 &Undo Deletion Ctrl+Z
26678 &Undo Paste Ctrl+Z
26679 &Undo Drag and Drop Ctrl+Z
26680 &Undo Format Change Ctrl+Z
26681 Re&do Typing
26682 Re&do Deletion
26683 Re&do Paste
26684 &Undo Horizontal Line
26685 Re&do Horizontal Line
26686 Your IMAP server has invalidated your Inbox. Eudora has to redownload all messages in it. No filtering can be done during this process.
26687 Your IMAP server has invalidated mailbox "%s". Eudora has to redownload all messages in it. No filtering can be done during this process.
26688 Messages left to process:
32770 Opens the attachment on the cursor line\nOpen Attachment
32771 Sends the messages that you have composed and queued\nSend Queued Messages
32772 Checks for any new mail; Hold down <Shift> for Mail Transfer Options\nCheck Mail
32773 Inserts quoted Clipboard contents\nPaste as Quotation
32774 Puts "hard returns" into the selected text (or take them out with Shift key held down)\nWrap Selection
32775 Completes the partial text of a nickname; Hold down <Shift> to expand the nickname\nFinish Nicknames
32776 Opens the Find window\nFind
32777 Looks for the string in the current message\nFind Again
32778 Makes the selected text the string that Find should look for\nEnter Selection
32779 Looks for the string in this message or any other messages\nNext
32780 Looks for the string in messages other than the current message\nNext Message
32781 Looks for the string in messages of other mailboxes\nNext Mailbox
32782 Sorts the current mailbox by message status\nSort by Status
32783 Sorts the current mailbox by message priority\nSort by Priority
32784 Sorts the current mailbox by whether or not a message has an attachment\nSort by Attachment
32785 Sorts the current mailbox by message label\nSort by Label
32786 Sorts the current mailbox by message sender/recipient\nSort by Sender
32787 Sorts the current mailbox by message date/time\nSort by Date
32788 Sorts the current mailbox by message size\nSort by Size
32789 Sorts the current mailbox by server status\nSort by Server Status
32790 Sorts the current mailbox by message subject\nSort by Subject
32791 Display Dialog for Registering Eudora Pro\nRegister Eudora Pro
32792 Opens the mailbox where mail sent to you is kept\nOpen In mailbox
32793 Opens the mailbox where mail waiting to be sent is kept\nOpen Out mailbox
32794 Opens the mailbox that contains deleted messages\nOpen Trash mailbox
32795 Creates a new mailbox or mailbox folder in this mailbox folder
32796 Opens this mailbox
32797 Creates a new composition message (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nNew Message
32798 Creates a new composition message using stationery\nNew Message With
32799 Forwards a copy of the current message(s) to someone else (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nForward
32800 Redirects a copy of the current message(s) to someone else (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nRedirect
32801 Resends current message(s); use this to reconstitute returned mail (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nSend Again
32802 Sends a message immediately or queue it in the Out mailbox; Hold down <Shift> to change queueing\nSend/Queue current message(s)
32803 Sets when a message should be sent\nChange Queueing
32804 Attaches a file to an outgoing message\nAttach File
32805 Sends the current message(s) to the Trash mailbox\nDelete Message(s)
32806 Delete a signature file\nDelete Signature
32808 Show properties for the selected object
32811 Moves the current message(s) to the In mailbox (hold down Shift to copy)\nTransfer to In
32812 Moves the current message(s) to the Out mailbox (hold down Shift to copy)\nTransfer to Out
32813 Moves the current message(s) to the Trash mailbox (hold down Shift to copy)\nTransfer to Trash
32814 Moves the current message(s) to a mailbox to be created (hold down Shift to copy)
32815 Moves the current message(s) to this mailbox (hold down Shift to copy)
32816 Runs the manual filters over the current message(s)\nFilter Messages
32817 Creates a nickname for addresses in the current message(s) or selected nickname(s)\nMake Address Book Entry
32818 Adds selected text to the recipient menus\nAdd As Recipient
32819 Deletes all messages from the Trash mailbox\nEmpty Trash
32820 Reclaims unused space in all mailboxes\nCompact mailboxes
32821 Edits user options\nOptions
32823 Asks for your password at the next mail check\nForget Password
32824 Changes your password on the POP server\nChange Password
32825 Sends the active window to the back of all displayed windows\nSend To Back
32826 Opens the window for editing filters for incoming and outgoing mail\nFilters
32827 Opens the window for creating, renaming, removing, and moving mailboxes\nMailboxes
32828 Opens the address book that contains nicknames for users and groups\nAddress Book
32829 Opens up the window for looking up information using the Ph and Finger protocols\nDirectory Services
32830 Edits your signature\nSignature
32832 Displays the contents of the on-line help\nHelp Contents
32833 Displays a list of search topics in the on-line help\nList Search Topics
32834 Displays instructions about how to use help\nHow To Use Help
32835 Other resources available to get help from
32836 Signature selection pops up for editing\nEdit Signature
32837 Subscribe to the QUEST News mailing list to get information about QUEST products\nSubscribe to QUEST
32838 Create a new signature file\nNew Signature
32839 Subscribe to the Eudora Forum mailing list for discussions about Eudora
32840 Opens the Help Topics window\nHelp Topics
32842 Marks current message(s) with the highest priority\nHighest Priority
32843 Marks current message(s) with a high priority\nHigh Priority
32844 Marks current message(s) with a normal priority\nNormal Priority
32845 Marks current message(s) with a low priority\nLow Priority
32846 Marks current message(s) with the lowest priority\nLowest Priority
32847 Removes label from current message(s)\nNo Label
32848 Sets label of current message(s) to label #1\nLabel #1
32849 Sets label of current message(s) to label #2\nLabel #2
32850 Sets label of current message(s) to label #3\nLabel #3
32851 Sets label of current message(s) to label #4\nLabel #4
32852 Sets label of current message(s) to label #5\nLabel #5
32853 Sets label of current message(s) to label #6\nLabel #6
32854 Sets label of current message(s) to label #7\nLabel #7
32855 Replies to the current message(s) (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nReply
32856 Replies to all recipients of the current message(s) (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nReply All
32857 Replies to sender or all recipients of the current message(s) (Hold down <Shift> for options)\nReply/Reply All
32858 Replies to sender or all recipients of the current message(s) using stationery\nReply With
32859 Marks current message(s) as unread\nMark as Unread
32860 Marks current message(s) as read\nMark as Read
32861 Marks current message(s) as replied\nMark as Replied
32862 Marks current message(s) as forwarded\nMark as Forwarded
32863 Marks current message(s) as redirected\nMarks as Redirected
32864 Marks current message(s) as unsendable\nMark as Unsendable
32865 Marks current message(s) as sendable\nMark as sendable
32866 Marks current message(s) as queued\nMark as Queued
32867 Marks current message(s) as time-queued\nMark as Time-Queued
32868 Marks current message(s) as sent\nMark as Sent
32869 Marks current message(s) as unsent\nMark as Unsent
32870 Marks message(s) to be left on server\nLeave
32871 Marks message(s) to be fetched from server\nFetch
32872 Marks message(s) to be deleted from server\nDelete
32873 Marks message(s) to be fetched then deleted from server\nFetch then Delete
32874 Edit Plugin Settings\nEdit Plugin Settings
32875 Sets the text color\nColor
32877 Sets the current font size\nSize
32879 Increases indent of the selected text\nIndent In
32880 Decreases indent of the selected text\nIndent Out
32881 Selects the text font\nFont
32882 Makes the selection bold (toggle)\nBold
32883 Makes the selection plain\nPlain
32884 Makes the selection italic (toggle)\nItalic
32885 Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)\nUnderline
32886 Aligns the paragraph at the left indent\nAlign Left
32887 Aligns the paragraph at the right indent\nAlign Right
32888 Centers the paragraph between the indents\nCenter
32890 No indentation\nNormal
32893 Clears formatting from the selection\nClear Formatting
32895 Inserts the system configuration in the current composition message\nInsert System Configuration
32896 Sends the message to your web browser for viewing
32897 Displays source for this message
32900 Inserts this recipient into the current text field
32901 Creates a new message to this recipient (Hold down <Shift> for options)
32902 Replies to the current message(s) with this recipient (Hold down <Shift> for options)
32903 Forwards the current message(s) to this recipient (Hold down <Shift> for options)
32904 Redirects the current message(s) to this recipient (Hold down <Shift> for options)
32905 Removes this recipient from the recipient list
32906 Checks the spelling of the current message or selection\nCheck Spelling
32907 Checks for any new mail; Hold down <Shift> for Mail Transfer Options\nCheck Mail
32910 Deletes the selected mailbox or folder
32911 Run the plugin on this message\nRun Plugin
32912 Attach Files to this message\nAttach
32913 More Tools!\nMore Tools!
32914 Opens the selected mailbox or folder
32915 Renames the selected mailbox or folder
32916 Toggles the docking feature for the window on and off
32917 Hides the window
32918 Create a new mailbox or folder and send a copy of this message to it
32921 Creates a new mailbox or folder under the selected folder
32922 Empties the Trash mailbox
32923 Toggles the display of the main toolbar
32924 Toggles the display of the program status bar
32925 Toggles the display of the mailboxes window
32926 Opens the window which displays the shell file browser\nFile Browser
32927 Open dialog to customize the Toolbar\nToolbar
32929 Opens the window for creating and applying stationery\nStationery
32930 Black
32931 Maroon
32932 Green
32933 Olive
32934 Navy
32935 Purple
32936 Teal
32937 Gray
32938 Silver
32939 Red
32940 Lime
32941 Yellow
32942 Blue
32943 Fuchsia
32944 Aqua
32945 White
32946 Automatic
32947 Opens the personalities window\nPersonalities
32948 Shows/hides non-important headers\nShow All Headers
32949 Opens the window which displays filter report data\nFilter Report
32955 Create a filter based on this message\nMake Filter
32957 Delete this signature
32959 Edit this signature
32960 Restores the window to normal size
32961 Reduces the window to an icon
32962 Enlarges the window to full size
32963 Closes the active window and prompts to save the documents
32964 Rename this signature
32965 Opens the window for managing signature files\nSignatures
32968 Changes the Personality for the selected message(s)
32969 Displays the Tip of the Day dialog
32971 Signature to be appended to the message\nSignature
32972 Attachment encoding\nEncoding
32973 Add a new piece of stationery
32974 Edit the currently selected piece of stationery
32975 Delete the current piece of stationery
32976 Reply to the current message with the currently selected stationery
32977 Reply to all recipients of the current message with the currently selected stationery
32978 Create a new message with the currently selected stationery
32979 Rename the current piece of stationery
32981 Uses MIME quoted-printable encoding if necessary\nQuoted-printable
32982 Includes text files as separate attachments, not in the body of the message\nText as Attachment
32983 Wraps long lines when this message is sent\nWord Wrap
32984 Pressing the <Tab> key in the body of this message will insert spaces\nTabs in Body
32985 This message will remain in the Out mailbox after it is sent\nKeep Copies
32986 Asks the mail transport system to notify you when this message has been delivered\nReturn Receipt
32987 Select the Plugin to run on this message\nPlugin Selection
32994 Controls whether or not the full contents of this message is retrieved next time mail is checked\nRetrieve From Server
32995 Controls whether or not this message is deleted next time mail is checked\nDelete From Server
32996 Edit the current message\nEdit the message
32997 Opens the previous message in the mailbox\nOpen Previous Message
32998 Opens the next message in the mailbox\nOpen Next Message
32999 Quit the application; prompts to save documents; Hold down <Shift> to save window positions without exiting\nExit
33004 Use the typewriter attribute\nTypewriter
33005 Sets a very small font for the current selection\nVery Small
33006 Sets a small font for the current selection\nSmall
33007 Sets a medium font for the current selection\nMedium
33008 Sets a large font for the current selection\nLarge
33009 Sets a larger font for the current selection\nLarger
33010 Sets a very large font for the current selection\nVery Large
33011 Sets a humongous font for the current selection\nHumongous
33012 Creates a hyperlink from the selected text\nInsert hyperlink
33024 Applies the Bulleted List style to the selected text\nBulleted List
33025 Insert object at the current position\nInsert Object
33030 Inserts a picture into the message at the cursor location\nInsert Picture
33035 Show or hide window tab (applies only if there is one tab).
33036 Creates a new personality
33037 Modifies an existing personality
33038 Permanently deletes an existing personality
33049 Save the active window as Stationery\nSave As Stationery
33082 Inserts a horizontal line
33083 Use your selected fixed width font as the viewing font\nView with fixed width font
33086 Unmark the message(s) previously marked for deletion (IMAP only)\nUndelete Message(s)
33087 Purge the deleted message(s) from this mailbox (IMAP only)\nPurge Message(s)
33088 Shows or hides the invisible characters\nInvisible characters
53252 Show all windows in a dialog
53253 Load a previously saved workspace
53254 Save the open windows and their position on the desktop
53255 Create a new workspace
53256 Open an existing workspace
53257 Save the active workspace
53258 Save your desktop to the named workspace
53259 Close the active workspace
53260 Close the active workspace
53261 Saves the currently open windows to the selected workspace
53262 Delete the selected workspace
53263 Activate selected window
53264 Activate selected window
53265 Activate selected window
53266 Activate selected window
53267 Activate selected window
53268 Activate selected window
53269 Activate selected window
53270 Activate selected window
53271 Activate selected window
53272 Activate selected window
53273 Activate selected window
53274 Activate selected window
53275 Activate selected window
53276 Activate selected window
53277 Activate selected window
53278 Activate selected window
53279 Open the selected workspace
53280 Open the selected workspace
53281 Open the selected workspace
53282 Open the selected workspace
53283 Open the selected workspace
53284 Open the selected workspace
53285 Open the selected workspace
53286 Open the selected workspace
53287 Open the Workspace Manager
53288 Allow Docking
53289 Hide
53290 Float In Main Window
53291 Toggle the active window between docked and undocked
53293 Activates user-defined tool 1\nUser-Tool 1
53294 Activates user-defined tool 2\nUser-Tool 2
53295 Activates user-defined tool 3\nUser-Tool 3
53296 Activates user-defined tool 4\nUser-Tool 4
53297 Activates user-defined tool 5\nUser-Tool 5
53298 Activates user-defined tool 6\nUser-Tool 6
53299 Activates user-defined tool 7\nUser-Tool 7
53300 Activates user-defined tool 8\nUser-Tool 8
53301 Activates user-defined tool 9\nUser-Tool 9
57344 Eudora
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new text file\nNew File
57601 Open an existing text file\nOpen File
57602 Close the active window; Hold down <Shift> to close all windows\nClose Window
57603 Save the active window\nSave File
57604 Save the active window with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrinter Setup
57607 Print the active window\nPrint...
57609 See a preview of print output\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nClear
57633 Erase everything\nClear All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat Last Action
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace Text
57642 Select all contents of the current field\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade
57651 Arrange windows as horizontal non-overlapping tiles\nTile Horizontal
57652 Arrange windows as vertical non-overlapping tiles\nTile Vertical
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit Window
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout Eudora
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents; Hold down <Shift> to save window positions without exiting\nExit
57666 List Help topics\nHelp
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp Using
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nContext Sensitive Help
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nShow/Hide Toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nShow/Hide Status Bar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents